How to Do It
Find out more about how to enjoy your 50 Things to Do together...
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Get started
Browse your poster or card pack, download a 50 Things to Do app and select your local area from the list, or visit your local website. App users will be asked for a postcode - while you don't have to provide this, it will help us give you more useful and relevant content.
Find out more about what happens to your data

Select an activity to try
There are so many wonderful Activities to choose from, from Little People Park Keeper to Paper Magic. You don't have to do your 50 Things in order - discover your favourites, adapt them, and return to them again and again! If you have a poster but would like more hints and tips, we recommend using the app or website as well.

Explore stories, words, places and more
Website and app users can explore the colourful Tabs for more opportunities to deepen your child's learning, such as how to make a Bubbling Wizards' Brew or where to go Birdwatching. Card pack users can find more info on the reverse of the cards. Children doing 50 Things to Do Ages Five to Eleven may want to read and discover the content themselves!

Discover low and no-cost events
Website and app users can click or tap on Events to find a list of things happening near you that are perfect for children and families.
This list is specially selected to include only low or no-cost events so that going out doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Tick off your progress, save your memories
App users can save precious photos to look back by tapping the + icon in the Memories* tab of an activity.
You can also tick off activities when you've completed them by tapping the ⋮ button.
*Photos in the Memories section are stored locally in your phone, meaning that nobody except you can access them.

Get your 50 Things to Do certificate!
Download resources such as your special 50 Things to Do certificate or 50 Things to Do stamp sheet from the Printables page, available on your local 50 Things to Do website.