
Impact Report 2023

Since our launch in 2018, 50 Things to Do has been introduced in 22 areas across the British Isles. Family engagement with our 50 Things to Do app represents 13% of the under-five population in these localities.

To celebrate our fifth birthday, we have produced an impact report which presents evidence on the effectiveness of the 50 Things to Do approach, using a combination of user surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus groups.

Our report reveals how 50 Things to Do’s non-judgemental approach supports parents to be more informed and inspired to do activities with their children, and encourages positive changes in the home learning environment.

Join us

The 50 Things To Do project is attracting national attention and we'd like you to be part of it. We are seeking further forward-thinking local authorities and other Commissioning Partners to join the 50 Things To Do initiative. It is our aim to make this opportunity available to every child and family in the country.

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01274 543282